Home AGENDA THE PRINCIPAL #1 – ICAN Architectural Talk-show: “Architectural Revolution of Traditional Markets: Sustainability through Place-Making”

THE PRINCIPAL #1 – ICAN Architectural Talk-show: “Architectural Revolution of Traditional Markets: Sustainability through Place-Making”

by Redaksi
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An architectural talk-show & seminar series organized by ICAN Architecture Network

Wednesday, 12 June 2024
Time: 14:00 – 16:00 WIB
Location: Indobuildtech, Ruang Garuda 2, ICE BSD City Tangerang

Free Registration:

1. Ar. Prasetyoadi, IAI., AA Managing Director of PDW Architects
2. Dr. Agus Suharjono Ekomadyo, S.T, M.T. Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Kebijakan, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

– Dr. Ir. Yuwono Imanto, M.BA, M.Ars., Direktur Propan Raya (*)

– Building & Technology Principal & Manufacturer
– Architects, Interior Designers, Consultants, Quantity Surveyors
– Architecture & Civil Engineering Lecturer & Student
– Member of the Indonesian Institute of Architects (IAI), Indonesian Association of Interior Designers (HDII), Indonesian National Association of Consultants (Inkindo), Indonesian Quantity Surveyors Association (IQSI)
– Government Agency
– Contractors and Developers

Participant facilities:
– Material module
– Free E-certificate (IAI SKPK / Kum Point) *
– Goodies Bag

Organized by:
– ICAN Architecture Network

in strategic Partnership with:
– Indobuildtech 2024 by Debindo ITE

Supported by:
– Kulit Batu
– Artgrass

Seminar participants who will come to IndoBuildTech Expo 2024 must register as exhibition visitors via the link https://ibt.debindo-expo.com/registration a maximum of 1 day before the seminar activities take place.

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