Home AGENDA ICAN – PAMERINDO ARCHITALK SERIES: “Public spaces post pandemic: from design and construction perspectives”

ICAN – PAMERINDO ARCHITALK SERIES: “Public spaces post pandemic: from design and construction perspectives”

by ICAN Network
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Theme: “Public spaces post pandemic: from design and construction perspectives”

Date: 17 June 2020
Time: 10:00 – 12:00 WIB via Zoom

Iwan Suprijanto, S.T., M.T.
Direktur Prasarana Strategis Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat

Haris Koentjoro
Principal Architect at inPLACE Design, Maryland, USA, an architecture, planning, and design firm specializing in retail and mixed use projects

Miya Irawati
Researcher, Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore

Vidya Spaey P. A. , S.T., MaHS, IAI
Founder & Principal Architect of LAUDE, a Landscape, Architecture, Urban-rural Design, Design product and interior, Engineering firm / Univ of Leuven, Belgium

About the Webinar:
In the new normal era, the public and community members are required to still be active and stay productive, however by implementing strict health and safety protocols to prevent further disease transmission. Commercial buildings and public spaces need to be more responsive to the prevention of nosocomial infections, and better equipped to anticipate epidemics and pandemics.

In this 2nd series of ArchiTalk, we will discuss how public facilities need to adapt and anticipate going forward, to cope with the various impacts the pandemic has caused to the society.

Speakers and moderators are government official, architects, researchers and engineers who have special expertise and experience in designing commercial buildings, public service buildings, green open spaces in the common environment and cities.

Bilingual (English – Bahasa Indonesia)

Free Registration:

Registration will be closed at any time with or without notice when the webinar participant has reached the capacity limit.

This webinar organized by collaboration of Indonesia Construction & Architecture Network (www.arsitektur.asia) and Construction Indonesia (www.constructionindonesia.com)

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